
Coding Standard: String Literals and equals()

January 25, 2007

Coding Standard:

Use “some String literal”.equals(myString) instead of myString.equals(“some String literal”).


It saves a null check.

Example of Violation:

String myString = getSomeString();
if ((myString != null)
  && (myString.equals("some String literal"))) {
    // do something important

Example of Correction:

String myString = getSomeString();
if ("some String literal".equals(myString)) {
  // do something important


When calling the equals method on a String object, there’s always a chance that the object is null. If you don’t check for it, you’re just asking for a NullPointerException. So there are two ways to handle this. Either check for null and then call the equals method if the String is not null, or turn around the logic and call the equals method on your String literal (which you know is not null). Both work fine. The latter saves you a null check and simplifies the conditional logic.

This standard can be enforced in JTest by enabling the PB.ISEM rule.

I haven’t found a rule in Checkstyle to enforce this. If anyone knows of such a rule, or a similar rule in another coding standards tool, feel free to post it in the comments.

See Also:

Automate Your Coding Standards Checks


JTest is made by Parasoft.


Checkstyle is written by Oliver Burn and is an open source project at SourceForge.net.


Effective Java Programming Language Guide is a book that deals with coding standards and best practices in Java. It is available at Amazon.com.

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  1. This is actually considered an anti-pattern by most purists. Yes, it is a trick that saves a few characters of code IF the desired behavior when a value is null is the same as the behavior when you have two non-equal strings.

    However this is a bad trick. If you don’t expect the string to be null, you should not use this trick because then you won’t be told (via a null pointer exception) if you do unexpectedly get a null string. You will instead get ‘false’ back, which may give incorrect results and the root cause could be much harder to find than if you had a simple null pointer exception.

    If you do expect the string to be null then it is far better to be explicit about how you are handling of the situation. Other developers then know that the value could be null and that this is being handled in an appropriate way.

    To be consistent, ‘equals’ should throw a null pointer exception if the parameter is null, but this was never thought out until it was too late. The commutativity of the operation would not then be violated. You only need to look at the problems with a comparison when both may be null to see how inconsistent this is (almost everyone I know implements their own ‘equals’ method to get around this problem).

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